AN individual disability can play a major role in his/her life: whether it is positive or negative. But overcoming the challenges and developing confidence is vital and admirable. Nowadays we see many communitites working for the disability but we hardly find anyone receiving those incentives. Why? Because these people are unaware of the help made available to them by the Government and the International Organisations. So to bridge the gap between people and these organisations, we provide a single platform - "Abling the Disabled"- A Google of Help for the differently abled people. Here you will find all the assistance provided by the relevant organisations ranging from Mental to Physical Disability and how to apply for them
This website is created as a part of Technovanza event wherein we are trying to help differently abled people by providing them the necessary help being meted out to them by different organizations which they are quite unaware of. Here they will find the links to such incentives. These are not affiliated links.